Longtime 白兰地酒 donor funds scholarship to address student financial need


宾州州立大学白兰地酒 Advisory Board member Lynn Marie 约翰逊 has funded a scholarship to support students with financial need.

来源:Lynn Marie 约翰逊

媒体,爸爸. — Longtime Penn State donor and development professional Lynn Marie 约翰逊 has made a $50,向宾州州立白兰地酒公司承诺10000美元的财产. The 约翰逊 Family Scholarship at 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 will support Philadelphia or Delaware County residents with financial need.

“We are so grateful to Lynn for this generous gift,” stated 白兰地酒 总理 Marilyn J. 井. “Thanks to Lynn’s experience as a 白兰地酒 student and Advisory Board member, she understands that most obstacles our students face are financial rather than academic. More than half of our 白兰地酒 students meet the criteria for unmet financial need. The 约翰逊 Family Scholarship at 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 will help provide that lift for our students and make a powerful impact in their lives and our world.”

约翰逊, 第一代大学毕业生, explained that the gift is a tribute to the sacrifices her parents made for her education.

“我父亲以他自己的方式非常慷慨,我母亲也是如此. 他从不拒绝任何捐款的邀请, 无论大小,约翰逊解释道. She noted that their generosity to her included her mother’s daily excursions by public transportation with her from Philadelphia to the 白兰地酒 campus as well as time spent in the student lounge while 约翰逊 attended her classes.

约翰逊 was also the editor of the campus newspaper, The Lion’s Eye, during her time at 白兰地酒. 虽然她在完成学位之前就转到了天普大学, 这是她新闻生涯的开始, 在费城哥伦比亚广播公司电台达到高潮. 约翰逊的第二职业是公共事务, and she also served as the executive director of the Philadelphia branch of the NAACP before transitioning to fundraising. She returned to 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 as its director of development and eventually moved on to University Park as the executive director of development for Commonwealth Campuses. 在过去的20年里, she has worked in development and now serves as vice president of philanthropy for The HumanGood Foundation.

在2001-2005年任期结束后, she re-joined the 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 Advisory Board in 2020 to make a difference. 作为一个筹款专业人士, 约翰逊 has a unique perspective on determining how to make the most meaningful impact through giving; she said as a result of working at Penn State, she knows that the University has longstanding success with fundraising and stewards its philanthropy well. She added that Penn State alumni perpetuate a tradition of involvement as benefactors, 家长和志愿者领导. 在选择支持哪些组织时, 我希望自己能出人头地,有一个服务他人的成功故事. bck体育官网庆祝了这一悠久的传统. 我也会寻找机会做出改变. 能做到这一点让你感到自豪.”

约翰逊 also noted, “I am impressed with the strategic plan of the institution. bck体育官网的白兰地酒并没有停滞不前. They are serving topical needs that are relevant with potential for long-term impact and the capability for the acquisition of solid talent to support development locally, 本地及海外.”

宾州州立白兰地酒公司2020-25年战略计划——“新机遇”, New Stories" — focuses on growing its student population by providing financial accessibility and affordability, 认为经济支持是学生成功的核心组成部分. 另外两个说明了该计划的目标, 营造公平的环境,提高校园知名度, 确保整个学生在宾州州立大学白兰地酒的发展过程中得到支持.

“林恩几十年来一直支持bck体育官网白兰地酒的愿景,”威尔斯说. “This is the second scholarship she has established at 宾州州立大学白兰地酒. We celebrate the memory of Lynn’s brother each time we give a deserving 白兰地酒 student the Brian K. 约翰逊纪念奖. We are honored that she is once again working with our campus to honor her family.”

约翰逊最近完成了布赖恩K. 约翰逊纪念奖. She established the annual award in 2003 to benefit the student of color with the highest grade-point-average. “多样性, 公平和包容对我来说很重要, 作为一名非裔美国女性,约翰逊肯定地说. “I’m proud to be able to highlight and amplify such a mission for Penn State.”  

约翰逊 stated that as her 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 experiences and relationships have formed her as a professional, 她将校园包括在她的遗产计划中是很自然的. “I would encourage others to think about the impact this institution has made on their lives and how this university has been pivotal to their success.”

This visionary estate commitment will advance "A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence," a focused campaign that seeks to elevate Penn State’s position as a leading public university in a world defined by rapid change and global connections. 在校友和朋友的支持下, “A Greater Penn State” seeks to fulfill the three key imperatives of a 21st-century public university: keeping the doors to higher education open to hardworking students regardless of financial well-being; creating transformative experiences that go beyond the classroom; and impacting the world by serving communities and fueling discovery, 创新创业.

To learn more about “A Greater Penn State for 21st Century Excellence,” visit greaterpennstate.事业单位.edu.