

十六个学生,八个来自 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 还有8人被关在附近的县监狱, 克服了他们的忧虑, challenged their ideas about the criminal justice system and studied public speaking during a semester-long course offered through the 监狱内外交换计划. 
Public speaking course offered through 监狱内外交换计划 provides transformative experience for participants

十六个学生,八个来自 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 还有8人被关在附近的县监狱, 克服了他们的忧虑, challenged their ideas about the criminal justice system and studied public speaking during a semester-long course offered through the 监狱内外交换计划. The students met each Tuesday evening during the fall semester at Delaware County’s 乔治•布什(George W. 山惩教所,并于11月11日举行闭幕式和庆祝活动. 28.

The 监狱内外交换计划 is an educational program that facilitates dialogue across differences, 以校园为基础, 或“外,“被监禁的学生, 或“内部,“学生们. 小乔治. 山惩教所 houses people who either have been accused of a crime and are awaiting a court hearing or have received a sentence of less than two years, 通常是相对较小的, 非暴力犯罪.

Brandywine Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences Angela Putman taught the course, CAS 100A:有效的演讲.她联系了监狱长劳拉·K. 威廉姆斯和凯利·肖, 再入和程序管理员, 去年在监狱开设这门课程. 在2022年秋季成功完工后, 该课程于2023年秋季学期第二次开设.

在闭幕式上, several students shared examples of speeches they had prepared for class and their reflections on the program, 每个学生都获得了证书. 出席仪式的宾客中有白兰地酒州的校长玛丽莲·J. 井, Director of Development Patton Vo and Interim Director of Academic Affairs Jen Nesbitt, 还有威廉姆斯和肖.

“今年我最喜欢的Brandywine教授的一句话是, “我们是一个学习的社区,这句话让我很难忘,威尔斯说. "I think the 监狱内外交换计划 and what we’ve done here together is a testament to that. When you look at all the partners that have come together — Delaware County, the 乔治•布什(George W. 山惩教所, the 监狱内外交换计划 and 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 — it’s really a testament that we’re a community of people learning.”

威廉姆斯指出,这对学生来说是多么勇敢, 内外兼备, 参加课程.

“We’re celebrating a moment where so many people have learned to find their voice and be able to employ and use it in a way — with confidence — that they may not have been able to before taking this course,”她说。. “The voice is such an important and profound way of communicating with other people, 今天在美国很多被监禁的人没有发言权. I’m very proud of the students who took the courageous step to join this course, 无论是从内部还是外部, to explore this opportunity and be able to use their voices in a very different way.”

Shaw mentioned how proud she was of the inmates for completing a college course while also maintaining a full-time job in the correctional facility.

“All eight inside students earned a facility job and work full time while taking a college course,她说. “集体, 你们都在帮助维护我们的小城市:准备饭菜, 提供食堂, providing communication between programs and cleaning and sanitizing the building. 你的辛勤工作保证了城市的运转. 在学生, you did something brave signing up and interviewing for something new and committing to the class. 你已经成功地完成了大学水平的课程. 你已经学到了一个教训,那就是永远对新的冒险敞开心扉,并承诺自己, 你会胜利的. 当你离开时,继续努力工作,记住你是被支持的. 我们相信你,有你就足够了.”

Putman explained that students gave three presentations during the semester focused on social issues.

“I watched each of them grow and gain confidence every time they stood up in front of their peers and gave speeches about social issues for which they have great passion,她说.

After two students shared their class presentations — one inside student discussed financial literacy education and an outside student discussed waste colonialism — two other students shared their thoughts on the Inside-Out Program. 

凯文, 由校外学生选出的一名校内学生分享他的感想, talked about how the program was one of the most enjoyable experiences he’s had in the facility.

“It’s funny how time flies when you’re having fun, especially when fun isn’t normally on the agenda. … I must say that this has been the most enjoyable and educational experience I’ve had at the 乔治•布什(George W. 希尔监狱,”他说.

曾就读Yoder), bck体育官网的二年级学生, 是被里面的同学选来分享她的感想的吗. She explained the nervousness of the two groups when they met on the first day of class, the similarities both groups found with one another and what she enjoyed from her classmates throughout the semester.

“我清楚地记得我们第一天上课的情景,”她说. “房间比我想象的要大得多. As we walked in, we saw all the inside students lined up on the farthest wall of the room. 正如我的一个同学所描述的那样, 描绘这一刻的最好方式就是第一次介绍猫. This perfectly describes the initial caution but curiosity we had when talking to each other. 在这段经历中, we’ve all learned so much not only about public speaking but about all the students, 内外兼备. In most of my classes, I only get to know a few people — mostly those who sit around me. In this environment, I’m grateful for the opportunity to get to know everyone on a personal level. Inside and outside students bonded so quickly, going from two separate groups to one single class. In this class, I liked how we were all able to learn from each other and teach each other.”